Course 4 Activity 6 : Share Your Thoughts

 How can an art integrated learning experience can benefit students in learning of your subjects?

Share your thoughts.


  1. Art integrated learning experience can benefit students in learning subjects

    1. Art integrated experience not only benefit students in learning subjects but also brings out the hidden talent of performing the same in classrooms and also experience the same in their day to day life. It helps them to think more and understand and respond immediately to the situation smartly.

    2. Art integrated learning makes learning fun and experiential for learner which has a long lasting impact.
      AIL promotes interest in subject and learning outcomes can be met evidently.

    3. Art Integrated Learning helps to improve psycho motor skill as well as thinking skill

    4. Students like to do art integrated learning

    5. Art integrated learning experience can benefit students in learning subjects

    6. Students can learn by doing activity based on art and they can correlate their knowledge in daily life

  2. Art integration is a hands on activity. Its a good idea of experiential learning as child is involved one way or the other way.

  3. Good way of utilizing experiencial learning

  4. Art integration is a hands on activity. Its a good idea of experiential learning as child is involved one way or the other way. Through arts, English teaching material can be very interesting and active for students. Language learned and used in these sessions can be memorable for the students and hence can benefit them a lot.

  5. When we are giving the child any art integrated activity, the child will learn more about a topic in detail and children will learn very interestingly also.

  6. makes it interesting and hands on experience

  7. Art integrated learning helps children to know about the minute details of the thing.

  8. Since .. Art integrated learning needs physical activity....learni g by doing it is more effective instead of theoretical...

  9. Children will learn everything by doing so this learning is going to be with them for the rest of their life.

  10. To understand any content visualisation of the same is very important. Videos make the lessons last for long times in the memory

  11. Art integration is a hands on activity

  12. Linking learning to real time situation definitely helps personalise knowledge and hence furthers retention

  13. Art integration makes subject more lively and interesting. Students learn by doing mathematics themselves.

  14. Art integration makes the subject interesting and easier to understand as one visualises the act.

  15. AIL makes the subject more interesting and helps in experiential learning. It also provides happiness and confidence to the learner.

  16. Anju Sharma
    AIL makes the subject more interesting and easy. It provides an experience to the learner and improves the confidence of learner.

  17. Art integrated activity is the way of making teaching learning process more fruitful for teachers and joyful for students. Art forms makes the things interesting and integration of art with subjects like geography attract the students in a best way. If implemented properly this could be best approach towards making teaching learning more interesting, interactive, holistic and student centred.

  18. A simple house with rectangular large rooms and open space area for plants

  19. AIL is very helpful as it helps in overall development of child by involving all senses and available resources

  20. Very innovative way to teach different concepts to students . By this method CWSN children also can participate according to their capabilities . Students may enjoy while doing activities.

  21. The present approach to Art integrated learning and holistic education in Indian schools are largely dependent on textbooks . Besides language ( Bengali) subject I tried to do apply AIL (as a facilitator) at the annual painting and sculpture exhibition of the Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya at Viveknagar. The painting usually depicts stories from the great epics - Ramayana and Mahabharata, on great Indian leaders , educators life of Swami Vivekananda , Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, M K Gandhi etc. I want to share one of my experience with all.
    I chose Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay's celebrated novel PATHER PANCHALY ( 'The Ballad of the Road') for AIL project. There were several reasons for this choice. Some of the reasons are Novel tells how a village boy Apu grows into manhood , Overcoming many emotional hurdles from Nishchindipur (a village of West Bengal) to Varanasi . I read out selected passages to students and showed them the film based on this novel made by the famous director Satyajit Ray. I encouraged them to express their inner feelings by drawing. Gradually students responded enthusiastically by reproducing the various episodes of the novel in different media such as water colour, poster colour, pencil sketch, oils . The few students made sculptures also. With one hundred thirty paintings and sculptures an exhibition of this pictorial Pather Panchali was organised. Students are go through the creative process of experiential learning ( in holistic atmosphere) on those days.
    Collection of paintings and sculptures are exhibit in our parmanent art gallery namely SARADADEVI CHITRASHALA.

  22. In case of Art Intrigrated Learning, learners lern by using all of the Sense organs, which give them a better way to understand and Retaintion of the topic.

  23. Integrating science with art can help students learn the concept faster.Showing various circuit diagram through paintings and models made by students themsrlves helps a lot.

  24. Allows learners to learn better due to their ability to connect with real life experiences

  25. Learning becomes fun and faster and forever

  26. learning is fun , faster and forever

  27. Child will be more involved in the subject, it will create creative classroom and learning will be fun.

  28. Art integration needs to be done very carefully as it has immense potential to make the learning very interesting, and inclusive. Having said that one need to be guided bythe essential guidelines on timeline for curriculum and avoid possible distractions.

  29. Art Integrated Learning is experiential as well as inspirational. Looking at one perform, the others also get inspired to do better than them.
    Each activity/task helps them to move towards betterment of their skills.
    Children also learn to do research and find material that best fits their topic.

  30. Art integrated learning is one of the best way of learning. In a science it helps to understand function of different organ through video, diagram etc.

  31. Art is the language of the heart,art in any form helps to bring the stress locked inside. it helps the students understand better as action speaks better than words

  32. Art integration ais a novel research in the field of teaching and learning process .It makes learning a playful an easy to grasp a concept

  33. Art integration is nothing but smartly implementing theory of 'cone of experience'.
    Pictures/visuals improves the perception of concepts over text,/lecture classes. One more step ahead, let the student do/experiment the concept the perception is more effective. Here we termed it as performing arts in this module.

    Without any doubt we can say that AIL will improve the quality of learning but my ay consume more time.

  34. The ground floor of my dream house is in the shape of a cube.
    First floor slightly overhangs the ground-floor and is in the form of a cuboid. A cubical cut-out at one corner of the cuboid forms the balcony.The roof of the structure is in the form of a triangular prism.Thin cuboidal sunshades protrude from the walls covering all the windows.

  35. it will help them to learn better

  36. These AIL activities could be very helpful and friendly for the students in all the subjects to support them creating interest in learning more effectively. The essence of correlating the different subjects in a proper way is AIL.

  37. Art integrated learning makes learning easier

  38. AIL makes learning different subjects interesting and the concepts become clear as the children learn by doing

  39. AIL is beneficial to both students and teachers because play way method is very much interesting for both.students learn more by AIL with interest and knowledge will permanent.Teacher also feel something change

  40. Benefit to both students and teachers

  41. Art Integration creates a real life situation to handle

  42. Art integration is a hands on activity in this students learn by doing. It is more interesting for both students and teachers. Language learned and used in these sessions can be memorable for the students and hence can benefit them a lot.

  43. AIL help learners to have experiential learning, as they learn by doing. It develops competency, as well as social culture to work in cooperation

  44. Through arts, English teaching material can be very interesting and active for students. Language learned and used in these sessions can be memorable for the students and hence can benefit them a lot.

  45. AIL in science learning is a creative approach. assessment can be done through visual as well as performing art. Students can easily learn various topics through it. really meaningful in true sense

  46. Art integrated learning help the students in learning political science in joyfullanner. We come to know about their hidden talents

  47. Being physics teacher there is lot of scope of artvintegrating learning to make model and other

  48. It's a excellent concept for learning .

  49. Art integrated learning is absolutely an effective method of learning since the the student completely concentrates upon his or her learning or work. It makes them creative, enthusiastic and more intersted in studies.

  50. Art integrated experience not only benefit students in learning subjects but also brings out the hidden talent of performing the same in classrooms and also experience the same in their day to day life. It helps them to think more and understand and respond immediately to the situation smartly.

  51. Excellent idea to incorporate art integration.

  52. Art integrated learning through visual arts and performing arts can be a real fun for a leaner and the teacher in the study of biological sciences .It will allow the learner to explore various medium of art to increase understanding of living systems in relationship to the self and other organisms in the natural environment in true sense

  53. Ail thru visual arts and performing arts can be a fun in the study of biological sciences .It will allow the learner to explore various mediums of art to increase understanding of living system in relationship to the self and other organisms in the in the natural environment in true sense.

  54. It will help in deeper understanding. Joyful learning will take place which will develop all three domains

  55. Art integrated learning is very helpful for science. It creates interest and involves all the sense organs. By this students didn't feel science as difficult and boredom. It will be enjoyable for the students.

  56. It makes the study more joyfull, interesting, memorable by integration of cognitive, psychomotor and affective area for the holistic development of a child.

  57. AIL promotes interest in subject and learning outcomes can be met evidently. Learning becomes much faster and forever.

  58. Art integrated education makes study a joyful experience. Learning becomes easy and fruitful.

  59. Art integrated learning will create more interest in Mathematics. It follows deeper knowledge in the concepts. Students can improve in their life skills. Also they will get the practical knowledge and critical thinking in Mathematics

  60. Will help in reducing stress levels in class

  61. Art integration in Social Science will enable students to develop a real life connect with the topic. The topic will be better understood by students as students will be doing it hands-on and apply theoretical knowledge to the situation.

  62. Learning can be better, permanent and joyful.

  63. It enhances creative thinking and understand difficult concepts easily and smartly.

  64. Art integration helps in understanding the setting of the events, emotions and also enjoy their learning.

  65. Students will have a better understanding of structure and function of different organs and systems in our bodies.

  66. Art integrated learning brings the learning alive. It provides a tangible experience of the concept. It enhances a greater diversity of thoughts by association, thereby looping back to reinforce what is being learnt. The aesthetics of any subject is also brought to the fore and the learner group will be better able to learn, for an intrinsic interest is generated through the art, whatever form it be, that is integrated into the learning experience. In English, I have found it apt to include videos of songs, or scenes from films, since these connect and enhance the learner's interest.

  67. AIL is way of conceptual learning make learning live and brings out of boredom traditional teaching practice

  68. In Art Integrated Learning, students learn by doing . Their researching abilities are enhanced since they have to do research from various sources to get the desired integration. My subject Mathematics can be integrated with all subjects .

  69. We have chapters like Coorg, Assam where art integration makes learning easier and more fruitful breaking the monotonous learning process. It is not a burden for the learner.

  70. Art Integration is a very practical and useful method to make learning interesting for both students and teachers.

  71. Art integrated learning opens up the vista for visualization which embeds the concepts of a chapter deeper into the child's psyche

  72. Art integrated learning helps in enhancing visualisation, techniques, creativity and experience.

  73. Now a days the most common challenges faced from last one and half year is lacking of one to one interaction between teacher & student. Due to online classes even after the reopening of Schools students are not coming regularly. Therefore still teachers are neither unable to share many real life examples, nor teachers can motivate them.

  74. Art Integrated learning in all the subjects develops interest in the learners as it becomes fun with experiential learning. It helps students to understand the concepts easily.

  75. Learning by doing is the best way of experiential learning.Children learn automatically

  76. Art Integrated Learning process helps to understand the concept properly, and also brings out the hidden talent of the child. The child understands the concept owing to the fun making process which has a long lasting impact on them.

  77. Art Integrated Learning helps to improve psycho motor skill as well as thinking skill

  78. AIL helps the kids to use their creativity

  79. It increases the imagination and creativity

  80. Art intergration is a beautiful process which allows students to exude their creativity.Students show their talents through ways they can best express it. its fun experimental educative and informative all at the same time.

  81. Art integrated experience not only benefit students in learning subjects but also brings out the hidden talent of performing the same in classrooms and also experience the same in their day to day life. It helps them to think more and understand and respond immediately to the situation smartly

  82. Team work and project assignment and the environment which will promote leadership qualities that

  83. Art integration can be through dance forms,Music and various sports integration with all subjects in scientific methodology .

  84. Art integrated learning makes learning fun and experiential for learner which has a long lasting impact.
    AIL promotes interest in subject and learning outcomes can be met evidently


  86. Art integrated learning Science CLASS-VIII PHYSICS helps creativity and sycho motor and helps in enhancing visualisation, techniques, creativity and experience


  88. Learning by doing ,increases creativity, aesthetic sense and keeps a permanent learning impact on the mind of the learner.

  89. Art integration helps in learning the concept well and also develops aesthetic sense. Makes a permanent impact on the learner.

  90. With AIL and PBL students develop interest in learning.
    They learn Team-work Enhance communication skills, language skills and problem solving skills.

  91. Art integration is a hands on activity. Its a good idea of experiential learning as child is involved one way or the other way. Through arts, English teaching material can be very interesting and active for students. Language learned and used in these sessions can be memorable for the students and hence can benefit them a lot.

  92. First floor slightly overhangs the ground-floor and is in the form of a cuboid. A cubical cut-out at one corner of the cuboid forms the balcony.The roof of the structure is in the form of a triangular prism.Thin cuboidal sunshades protrude from the walls covering all the windows.

  93. Physical activity gives both physical and mental health. It circulates the blood very fast, and burns more energy which reduces the risk of obesity and related problems.

  94. Art integrated learning experience can benefit students in learning subjects.Students will have a better understanding of structure and function of different organs and systems in our bodies.

  95. AIL makes learning more vibrant and interesting.
    Children can display their ideas and creativity .
    No rote learning
    Each one can present in their own way .
    Makes learning more meaningful and enjoyable

  96. many abstract skills can be enhanced

  97. Art is necessary to science because creativity involves imagination, and imagination is visualization. Things we are able to conceptualize, visualize or imagine in our mind are the things we can also create, if we have the tools to do so.Some of the greatest discoveries in science involved using some form of art. Introducing art as a way to study science allows students to understand the creativity in Science. It also allows them to better learn scientific concepts and rules. 

  98. AIL makes the subject more interesting and helps in experiential learning. It also provides happiness and confidence to the learner.

  99. AIL can motivate children to learn more about subjects

  100. With intergrated learning we can learn many concepts together. It is time saving. Children get opportunity to use integrated approach in their day to day lives.


  101. With intergrated learning we can learn many concepts together. It is time saving. Children get opportunity to use integrated approach in their day to day

  102. Art Integrated Learning helps to improve the learning skills as well as thinking skills

  103. When we teach subject by using AIL the involment of all class students is their also they learn himself by sharing there own ideas with each other so the learning is joyful they enjoy it and i think they do not forgot the concept they learn.

  104. Art Integration is a very useful learning model, especially it is based on experiential learning pedagogy. Students enthusiastically learn the content given the subject without any burden or pressure.

  105. I plan my activities accordingly. I connect the topic with real life examples and prefer to apply varied activities as per the topic which involves oral questioning, videos, role play, group dicussion and group project.

  106. Art integration can be described as hands on activity. It is a good tool for experiential learning. Through AIL, All subjects teaching material can be made very interesting.

  107. Students like to do art integrated learning

  108. Art integrated experience not only benefit students in learning subjects but also brings out the hidden talent of performing the same in classrooms and also experience the same in their day to day life. It helps them to think more and understand and respond immediately to the situation smartly.

  109. it helps in overall development of child by involving all senses and available resources

  110. AIL if integrated with the subject of Economics can help child understand the concept better. PPTs and videos can be used for teaching the concepts of Indian Economic Development

  111. Art integrated learning improves the psycho motor skills of the learners. It enables them to understand each topic in a better way.

  112. Art integrated learning not only benefit students in learning subjects but also brings out the hidden talent of performing the same in classrooms and also experience the same in their day to day life. It helps them to think more and understand and respond immediately to the situation smartly.

  113. not only benefit students in learning subjects but also brings out the hidden talent of performing the same in classrooms and also experience the same in their day to day life. It helps them to think more and understand and respond immediately to the situation smartly.

  114. Yes.. it help them toknowledge and intrest

  115. Through Art Integrated Activity they can learn through research and can remember the facts of the content given.
    They can enhance and inculcate reading habits.
    They can have project work in group
    They can showcase their talent.
    Its a good opportunity for those students who are not that outspoken


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