Course - 12 Activity 1: Share Your Ideas

How can you make your classroom joyful with the use of toys?

Steps to be followed:


  1. Replies
    1. Using models to teach chemistry games like bingo and Domino's I ve use many times to teach chemistry .


    3. Toy based pedagogy is appropriate way to make learning fun & recollect the concepts easily; as student will have hand on knowing rather than remembering.

    4. By making toys related to the story learned

    5. Teaching Adjective in English grammer using mask making of expressions.

    6. Puppets can be used for teaching history as it would help understand the lesson better as well as develop interest of the students.

  2. Since teaching-learning activity with toys-based pedagogy is appropriate for school curriculum,I'll make my classroom joyful with the use of toys as teaching aids.For instance,to teach Indus Valley civilization in class,some locally available stones willbe polished to make Carnelian,lapiz lazuli,jasper and terracota seals,weights models of bull and figurines wouldbe made out of soil.
    This will help Students learn the lesson

  3. Students can be engaged in designing the toy, inculcating teamwork, imbibing creative skillsand self learning procedure. Teacher can further take on from there to enhance learning.

  4. Teaching learning activity with toys -based Pedagogy is very interesting.Students will attract in learning because they like doing things while studying.

  5. Toys based learning will be more interesting in the point of students as well as the teacher since it is emotionally and physically involved to affect their cognitive domain of learning, the students will remember the concepts for ever. It makes the students more enthusiastically learn the subject.

  6. I will prepare a power point presentation on Indian toys and their relevance with our culture and teach moral lessons and hold an exclusive class on Indian Toys. At the end of the session I shall assign each student to make a toy for the school exhibition during the Parents' Day and motivate them to be ready to explain their toys to their parents. I would make it a project work for the students and assess them .

  7. I have used finger puppets to teach history and that has led to a lot of joy in my class.

  8. Students become more interested when they observe toy based activity. They understand concept well and try to apply through games and toys. For example in science in class 6 they made a top to understand circular motion and small swing to understand periodic motion.

  9. Toys and games make concepts more interesting and students pay more attention .For example they make pin hole camera in 6th class to view images, they take studies in joyful manner.

  10. puppet shows can be arranged , toys can be made by children by using clay , papers, and waste material.

  11. Students can be engaged in designing the toy, inculcating teamwork, imbibing creative skillsand self learning procedure. Teacher can further take on from there to enhance learning

  12. Toy based learning makes teaching and learning more interesting and effective. It also improve child's imagination, creativity and also builds team spirit. Children can make simple toys using clay and puppets for story telling using old socks and papers.

  13. Toys are wonderful resources to teach kids as young as kindergarteners. In my class, when I teach kids to make a paperboat , they learn to feel the texture of the paper , they learn shapes, they learn to follow multiple instructions, know to sail, talk about seasons, colours and so on. It becomes a very interactive and memorable experience.

  14. Students can be engaged in designing the toy, inculcating teamwork, imbibing creative skills and self learning procedure. Teacher can further take on from there to enhance learning.

  15. Usings toys while learning creates excitement in the children. It rekindles their imagination and while working in small groups ,peers exchange ideas which help them to learn more. Eg: playing with models of wild and domestic animals helps them to learn classification, characteristics of animals etc while having a tangile thing to hold on too. Same way rules of safety, tansportation etc can be enacted out effectively using toys. Age appropriate toys for each level creates the same impact.

  16. As a Science teacher I make my classroom joyful with the help of various activities and demonstrations. I perform these activities by using different toys.

    Steps to be followed:

  17. Puppets for narrating story
    Word Scrabbles for vocabulary
    Cartoon characters for description.

  18. AlL activities are interesting and fun loving and keep the students engaged and enthusiastic.

  19. its would enhance interaction, instigate the child like behavior in learners. Difficult concepts can be easy made to understand using TOY models like Structure of Flower.

    1. Use of indigenous toys will help the learners to connect with their root. Besides, they will also be able to convert the abstract learning into concrete one.

  20. Use of indigenous toys will help the learners to connect with their root. Besides, they will also be able to convert the abstract learning into concrete one.

  21. maths class can be made very effective by making toys using different shapes.

  22. Toys attract children,so use of toys in a classroom to teach any subject can make the learning joyful.Cars can be used to explain many concepts of Physics

  23. teaching maths through toy based pedagogy makes the concepts easy to understand

  24. Children relate to toys because of their shape,form,colours, texture,sound and kinetics
    The best way to tech someone and develop sences.
    Be it any subject toys and story telling methods make subjects more interesting and innovative

  25. Toy based learning is a joyful and interesting process
    It improves dexterity and muscular movements
    It is very useful in enhancing creativity and imagination.
    Concepts ateord clearly understood

  26. By using toy as the Instructor of the day, involving all the students in a roleplay with help of toys.

  27. I would like to show them a toy and identify their different body parts with action and trying to involve all students ....

  28. Teaching learning activity with toys -based Pedagogy is very interesting.Students will attract in learning because they like doing things while studying.Toys attract children,so use of toys in a classroom to teach any subject can make the learning joyful.Cars can be used to explain many concepts of Physics

  29. Toys can be used for Narration/ story telling in English classes

  30. While teaching sound in physics, students were asked to collect toys producing different types of sounds.

    Similarly some themes can be explained with string toy show/ Thol Pava Koothu

  31. I have asked the students to make puppets of a Kodvas and an Assamese Man and perform a puppetry show where the characters display their culture and agricultural practices

  32. As a Computer Teacher, I can engage the students by asking them to make toys on the topic of types of computer,places where computers are used,parts of a computer,Types of devices,etc..

  33. I will ask the students to make toys by using locally available materials,so that They will get involvment into the subjects.

  34. Teachers can ask the students to make toys related to particular topic and asking them to explain that how it is related to a particular topic. .

  35. Teachers can engage the students by giving the chance to make toys related to the subjects.

  36. Students can be engaged by Teachers in such a way that ,They can explore themselves by making toys on different subjects.

  37. Students will show more interest when we teach with the toys of any concepts.
    And visually when they see they will not forget , they will explore and relate to more concepts .

  38. kids will concentrate on study when they happy with teaching method by teacher , for that I use play way method activity like freeze and release game, magic painting, find the object with particular shape etc.....

  39. The toys work as a natural triggers for the students to stimulate their various senses especially the pre primary age group and the primary as well. Teachers can use various toys in terms of props, soft toys, character toys etc for their delivery of day to day lessons. Toys will help the child to explore their fine motor skills along with eye hand coordination. Teachers can also use toys for language and communication training.

  40. Teacher can ask students to create,share a short based on toys

  41. Children can be asked to make seals with clay or playdough.
    They can also engrave designs on them .
    This will help them understand Indus seals better.
    Similarly beads can also be made with clay, paper mache etc

  42. using good teaching materials and using play way method

  43. Using simple straws and thread a toy hand could be designed which can blend the concept of science, robotics and enginnering together

  44. November 15, 2021 at 7:55 AM
    Students become more interested when they observe toy based activity. They understand concept well and try to apply through games and toys. For example in science in class 6 they made a top to understand circular motion and small swing to understand periodic motion.

  45. Using toys as props for role play for enhancing language skills.

  46. Toy based learning makes teaching and learning more interesting and effective. It also improve child's imagination, creativity and also builds team spirit. Children can make simple toys using clay and puppets for story telling using old socks and papers. Teache4rs can futher explain the concept of heavy and light also with the help of a weighing scale which is made with the help of hangers and disposable glasses. This will help in holistic development of the learners as well.

  47. Toys are magical teaching aids for students of any age group. It helps the teachers to build up the interest level of the students. The students get better concept clarity in a play way method. Specially when they make their own toys it makes them more involved in the learning activity. They can also use these toys at home to depict their learnings which in turn will help to to revise the concept again and again resulting in better learning.

  48. using toys and games is indeed an effective inter and multi disciplinary approach of teaching learning process

  49. The toy based pedagogy will bring life to the classes.Students will be well engaged, better tutored and be active partners in teaching learning process. Especially when they recreate what they are learning, it becomes exciting..

  50. Use of dolls and clay figures with dialogues can create political satire and help in learning concepts of political science.

  51. will ask students to use different props while enacting a drama or one act play

  52. I will use toys to make my class joyful by letting children 4+ to explore them, create their own stories and express their thoughts with class.

  53. While narrating stories, toys can be used to make the lesson more interesting by using old socks for creating characters and waste bottles as well.

  54. Toy based pedagogy will lead to teamwork, imbibe creativity and will also help the students develop self learning.

  55. I will engage the students to make toys which is related to the concepts.

  56. Making toys or games related to the concept or theme will imbibe better understanding for the children. They will have a free hand to explore their creativity and will come up probably with better and innovative ideas. This will also challenge them ask questions.

  57. Classroom activites should give a chance to students to have free as well as guided play. This can be done by using toys like skipping rope, puppets, board games, role plays using dolls and even pretend play using doctor sets, kitchen sets, farmer tools etc

  58. Toy based pedagogy will certainly prove beneficial, I have used certain teaching aids to make a lesson effective especially used pictures of animals, short video clips when I taught How to tell Wild Animals of class X and tried to make my classroom joyful. This is one example, there are other lessons and poems where we can use toys.

  59. By making models to explain the concept easily. And by twllibg stiludents to make midels

  60. Toy based pedagogy may prove beneficial in assisting the teaching learning process in classroom as it may explore various ways of remembering the concepts for creates joyful and attention catching environment in the classroom.
    Enthusiastic,fun loving way of teaching and learning .

  61. As a K.G teacher I use different toys to teach my students. I play different study based games with my students and this helps me to make my classroom joyful !!!!!

  62. As a language teacher I can use toys learning to make Puppets for narrating story
    Word Scrabbles for vocabulary
    Cartoon characters for description the toy learning I can make teacher and students to make learning joyful

  63. If the part come to decorate the class room then let it decorate as the kids could visualise and learn from the toys.if it comes to teach kids by using toys and games then select toys and utilise your skill to match the capacity of kids to better understand what,when,where is the use of that game or toy by them.

  64. Folding paper to make a boat....This can be used to introduce rectangle, triangle, square.... Archimedes' principle ...

  65. Classroom activities should be planned in such a way that it gives an opportunity to all the students to learn in the way they want. This can be done by using toys like skipping rope, puppets, board games, role plays. They can also make their own toys(Hands-on activities) which will help them to enhance their motor skills.

  66. Toys makes students to connect to the content easily and they try to correlate with it easily and try to attend completely to class and shows interest in learning.

  67. Toy based pedagogy is appropriate way to make learning fun & recollect the concepts easily; as student will have hand on knowing rather than remembering.

  68. using toys is always an interesting mode of teaching. we can use toys to teach multiple topics. for example if we make a kite in the class room maths, physics and social teachers join together to explain their own concepts. math teacher may explain the shape of a kite as square and the stick that we use is the diagonal. other stick that we use is generally an arc shape. we use triangle shapes as tail ends. the tail is a rectangle etc.
    If i come to physics, physics teacher may explain the forces that work on a kite to let fly in the air. wind apply forces on a kite but we have string in our hand to balance those forces when the forces are balanced properly the kite flies steadily.
    Then social teacher may take the opportunity to explain the historical events in which kites are flown and how the cultural events take place using kites. if masses join to fly kites at a particular place then there will be some business of selling kites, ice creams, sweets etc. Which we can use to teach economics and so on.
    English teacher may take the opportunity to teach verbs, nouns etc involved in kite flying.

  69. Toys and games make concepts more interesting , clear and students pay more attention.The toy based pedagogy will bring life to the classes .Students will be well engaged, active partners in teaching learning process.

  70. The use of toys as a teaching aid will help the students to understand the concept in fun way.

  71. As a Mathematics teacher, I find toys everywhere in the classroom or outside to explain concepts in the class. It can be a piece of paper, a pencil, a textbook (cuboidal), even the room itself, etc. The Maths lab is a place where abstract ideas become concrete realities. Mathematics teachers are very creative and spontaneous.

  72. toy based learning is a joyful and enjoyable process. Generally, i make the students create origami or something out of old newspapers and use it as a prop in the lesson, the students right till class 9th enjoy it.

  73. Teaching-learning activity with toys-based pedagogy caters multiple intelligence for children. It will experiential and joyful use of toys for students

  74. Using the toy we can work on the enhancement of the imaginative skills of the students. They can write why they like and learn from their toy.
    By sharing toy activity we can judge their behaviour, likes and dislikes and other personality traits.
    we can play word game using toys

  75. Use of toys makes learning more joyful and everlasting.Like a story can be well explained using puppets as the characters in the story. Kites can be used to explain the cultural aspect and so on and so forth.

  76. I will prepare a power point presentation on Indian toys and their relevance with our culture and teach moral lessons and hold an exclusive class on Indian Toys. At the end of the session I shall assign each student to make a toy for the school exhibition during the Parents' Day and motivate them to be ready to explain their toys to their parents. I would make it a project work for the students and assess them .

  77. Students will make the models and increase skill learning and learning by doing


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